Devaland LaTeX Typesetting


Please contact us by email: with more details about your project and your typesetting requirements, and we will be happy to give you a no-obligation quote as soon as possible.

We acknowledge the inquiries receipt within 24 hours, but if you don’t hear from us, please resend your email since it may be lost in the cyberspace.

Usually we receive the Authors manuscripts by Email, Skype, Whatsapp or Dropbox as scanned PDF’s, and we provide LaTeX typing from the handwritten manuscripts to get the final typeset PDF as required.
Authors can sent us also hard copies of the manuscripts by regular mail.

We have typeset hundreds of scientific papers, books and journals on Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Bio-Medicine, Chemistry and more.

We have flexible payments by using Paypal, Card Payments, Revolut or Wire transfer.

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